
Question and answers: CPP disability benefits
What is the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) disability benefit? This is a monthly benefit for individuals who have contributed enough to the CPP to date, and are permanently unable to work due to a disability. How much does the CPP
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Case Review: Girao v. Cunningham
The Court of Appeal recently released the decision of Girao v. Cunningham, 2020 ONCA 260 (CanLII). It granted a new trial for a self-represented plaintiff regarding injuries she suffered in a motor vehicle accident in 2002, 18 years ago. At trial, a
read moreAdvocating for clients during COVID-19
Future history books will, without doubt, show this was one of the most trying times in every aspect of our lives. We are being tested on our ability to listen and stay home; to innovate our businesses and bring new ways to
read moreSinger Katz comments on call for public inquiry into outbreaks at long-term care homes
Our elderly population in care homes have been neglected for many years. They are the most vulnerable and susceptible to illness and death because of their age, health, and close living quarters. Not enough has been done to properly look after them.
read moreIn the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Singer Katz is committed to ensuring the safety of our employees, clients and community.
Please note that we are continuing to work on your behalf in the most efficient and effective manner possible. To our clients – We are committed to moving cases forward and understand the added stress that this situation is placing on you. We
read moreCoronavirus & business interruption insurance
Does your business insurance cover losses or closure because of Coronavirus? You followed best practice and purchased insurance in the event your business was stopped unexpectedly. But, according to the fine print in most insurance policies, if your business is forced to
read moreLike artists, good lawyers paint a whole picture designed to fill in the gaps
If you’ve ever had a disability claim, you know that going up against an insurance company can feel like a heroic task. Finding a lawyer that will slay this dragon with you? Even harder. Most group benefit policies provide employees with cookie-cutter
read moreHigher Premiums for Snow Removal Companies should be reframed as an Important Incentive not a Punishment
In response to recent articles, higher premiums should be an incentive for snow removal contractors to perform a competent job. Industry’s suggestion that there now be a 10-day notice provision created for private property owners is a big problem for slip and fall
read moreNew Year brings changes to Rule 76 – Simplified Procedure
January 1, 2020, marks significant changes to the way some lawsuits are filed and tried at the Ontario Superior Court In an effort to contain the costs of litigation and speed up the time it takes to resolve civil actions, the Ontario
read moreTo fight successfully, the conviction of clients and their lawyers must be equally fierce
She was a young girl just entering grade nine with her whole life ahead of her. She was meeting a friend at a local community centre owned and operated by the City of Toronto. Out of nowhere, shards of glass from an
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