Jason F. Katz
Personal Injury and Insurance Lawyer
2 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 604
Toronto, ON M2N 5Y7
Tel: 416.869.0789 ext. 101
Email: jkatz@singerkatz.com
Social: LinkedIn
Jason Katz’s practice is dedicated exclusively to acting on behalf of plaintiffs in the areas of personal injury, long-term disability, property loss and medical malpractice. He is involved in various community activities and committees that help enhance resources and awareness for those with personal injuries.
Jason has established a strong record of achievement in trials, appeals, mediations and arbitrations. He is Certified by the Law Society of Ontario as a Specialist in Civil Litigation. He has been recognized by his peers for ranking on the Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory as a leading legal practitioner in Canada. Jason is a member of the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association (OTLA), the Canadian Bar Association (CBA), the Ontario Bar Association (OBA) and the Advocates’ Society. He has been invited to speak on various legal panels and regularly lectures on relevant topics to members of the healthcare community.
Cases of Note
Jason has litigated complex personal injury claims and insurance disputes. He has been involved in a number of important cases including:
Becker v. City of Toronto – trial in which a community centre was found in contravention of the Occupiers’ Liability Act for failing to use proper safety glass despite the Defendant denying liability;
Gomez v. Miller et al. – jury awarded damages for chronic pain injuries in a motor vehicle collision where Defendant’s insurance company denied that the claim met the threshold to receive compensation;
Avila v. Couto et al. – summary judgment motion dealing with occupiers’ liability and social host liability regarding a homeowner;
Kamin et al. v. Kawartha Dairy Limited – case that changed occupiers’ liability law in Ontario by broadening the test for causation;
Sakr v. Sharma et al. – jury awarded damages for chronic pain injuries in a motor vehicle collision where Defendant’s insurance company denied that the claim met the threshold to receive compensation;
Foley et al. v. Preston et al. – jury trial involving a ski accident;
Bayubay v. HRSDC – appeal hearing in which the Tribunal overturned original denial of Canada Pension Plan disability benefits;
Elias v. Pain Management Clinic et al. – trial involving a medical malpractice claim;
Moran vs Economical Mutual – hearing at the Financial Services Commission of Ontario in which it was found that our client’s claim for non-earner benefits was not statute barred; and
Feuer v. 2320152 Ontario Inc. – summary judgment motion dealing with occupiers’ liability regarding a landlord;
Yaquo et al. v. Ijack et al. – preliminary hearing at trial to determine whether findings from a functional MRI should be admissible as evidence.
Jason graduated from McGill University in 1994 with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics. He attended Osgoode Hall Law School and the Schulich School of Business where he completed the joint J.D./M.B.A. program in 1998. He was called to the Ontario Bar in 2000. From 2002 to 2018, Jason practiced law with a firm recognized by Canadian Lawyer Magazine as one of the top ten personal injury boutiques in Canada.