Post by: / April 12, 2019

Motor Vehicle Collision Reports

If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident in Ontario, the accident should be reported to the police.  This can be done by having a police officer attend the scene, or by attending a collision reporting centre.  If there are no injuries and property damage to the vehicles involved is under $2000.00 in most cases, the accident does not need to be reported to police.

A police officer will complete a report about the collision.  The officer will collect information about the location, date and time of the accident.  They will also collect information about drivers/passengers/pedestrians and witnesses involved including their names, addresses and insurance information.  In some situations, the officer may lay charges under the Highway Traffic Act or the Criminal Code for the party at fault for the accident.

The officer who attends the scene may also draw a diagram of the accident scene to show how the accident occurred (including vehicle speeds).  Although a Motor Vehicle Collision Report is not a formal finding, it can have a significant influence on a later lawsuit or claim for damages from the accident.  The Report can also impact on fault determination in an insurance dispute (will your premiums go up?).

You may need to obtain a copy of the report for your insurance company and to make a claim for damages from an accident.  The Accident Report is an important document for your lawyer to review if you are planning on making a claim.

In Toronto, there are 2 collision reporting centres at 113 Toryork Drive and 39 Howden Road, 416-808-2222.

In Toronto, you can obtain a copy of the report at .  For accidents that occur on Provincial Highways or that involve the O.P.P. a copy can be obtained here.

A sample Blank Collision Report can be found here.

If you have suffered injuries in a car accident, our lawyers at Singer Katz LLP can help.